


Windows虚拟桌面 (WVD) provides a multi-session Windows 10 experience, Windowsim体育ios接口器 Remote Desktop im体育ios接口 (RDS) 支持 for desktop and apps, 以及Office 365 ProPlus的优化. WVD helps organizations in scaling and deploying their Windows Apps on Azure in minutes. 有了WVD,员工就有了一个安全的工作环境. It gives users easy and secure access to their remote 应用程序 and virtualized desktops.

Windows虚拟桌面 is a set of technologies from 微软Azure that enables Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and im体育ios接口 professionals to 创建 Windows 10 虚拟桌面 in Azure.

Azure Windows虚拟桌面

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is a cloud-based desktop and App 虚拟化 service which can be accessed by users using any device. Azure Windows虚拟桌面 can be considered as Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) powered by Azure. It is Microsoft’s Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) service that provides various benefits such as enhanced security, 简化数据管理, 诸如此类的组织.

Being an effective cloud-based desktop solution that provides a seamless workspace experience, Azure Virtual Desktop can provide organizations with the following benefits:

  • 更好的用户体验: It provides users the flexibility and freedom to access the services from any location, 情况, 或设备.
  • 增强的安全: 它很容易与 微软365, and it has built-in intelligent security that keeps the data and 应用程序 secure. It contains capabilities that can detect threats actively and take counteractive actions. 此外, Azure’s vast compliance certifications ensure that your 虚拟桌面 stay as secure as possible.
  • 轻松的云迁移: It 支持s Remote Desktop im体育ios接口 (RDS) environments which come with all the necessary services required to migrate data, 应用程序, 和基础设施.
  • 成本效益: 它支持多会话Windows 10体验, 因此, simplifying licensing and reducing the cost of moving from IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) to PaaS (Platform as a Service). Virtual desktops can help a lot in saving costs in the long run by reducing the cost associated with management, 支持, 和基础设施. 当im体育ios接口托管在集中式环境中时, 与升级和维护相关的成本也降低了.
  • Dev /测试环境:  It provides employees with the development and testing scenarios, such as Test .净等.,用于许多业务应用程序.


There are two pricing components for using Azure Virtual Desktop, namely:


  • 许可权利:如果您已经拥有符合条件的Windows, 微软远程桌面im体育ios接口(RDS), 客户端访问许可证(cal), 微软365, 和Windows 10虚拟桌面代理每用户许可证, 这样就不会有额外的费用了.
  • 每用户访问定价: 外部用户, who do not have existing eligible 微软365 or Windows per-user licenses, 是否可以选择按月按用户定价来访问Azure虚拟桌面.


除了用户访问, you would also require an Azure account to deploy and manage your 虚拟化 environment. Here are the usual Azure components required to host an Azure Virtual Desktop deployment:

  • 虚拟机
  • Storage – Operating System storage, user profile storage, data disk (personal desktop only)
  • 网络

The cost of AVD 虚拟机 (VMs) is calculated at Linux compute rate for Windows 10 single-session, Windowsim体育ios接口器, 以及Windows 10多会话.

目前未使用Azure的组织, can try the Azure service for a month to check if the Azure Virtual Desktop is ideal for their environment and it matches their requirements. 此外, 减少与基础设施相关的成本, you can opt for one-year or three-year Azure Reserve Virtual Machine instances, which will help you in reducing 72 percent cost as compared to the pay-as-you-go pricing model.

设置Azure Windows虚拟桌面环境

Below are the instructions for setting up a Windows虚拟桌面 environment in Azure:


租户是一个用于管理WVD环境的接口. Each tenant is connected with its intended users through Azure Active Directory (AD). 在创建租户之前,需要在Azure AD中设置租户ID, and then you can 创建 a global administrator account in that tenant ID. The next step is to assign a Tenant Creator application role which will allow you to 创建 your tenant(s) via PowerShell.


After creating the tenant, you can provision host pools, 创建 App groups, and assign users. 您可以从Azure Marketplace创建主机池. While creating host pools, you can configure 虚拟机 and assign a VM image to them. 而不是使用完整的桌面, 如果您希望创建自定义应用程序组, 您可以在此步骤中执行此操作.


After creating and configuring all the required components, you can log in to 创建 虚拟桌面. 此时此刻, 你必须专注于优化你的配置, 确保资源的合理使用和性能. You can describe scaling options to make sure that hosts always provide adequate access to the desktops.


无论是出于选择还是作为有效策略的一部分, the modern workforce is inclining towards mobile or remote work environments. To have access to systems and 应用程序 to get the job done irrespective of the location, organizations are moving more and more towards cloud platforms and virtual machines. Azure Virtual Desktops provides organizations with access to a virtual Windows computer to run their business. By using AVD, you can run your business in multi-user virtual scenarios.

